On the morning of the match at Hyderabad All India Radio came up with an off the tube broadcast where the commentators were describing the weather in Delhi which was humid and had rain written all over it and comparing it with the sunny weather in Hyderabad.Even then as the morning peak audience driving all over the country were aghast with a home test match being done off the tube some who could accessed live coverage of the Test from the ground with Brian Waddle on NewZealand's Radio Sport Network.
However sometime after that morning better sense prevailed and AIR Hyderabad did broadcast live from the ground with a more enthusiastic bunch of commentators.This was thoughtful as the provincial ITM Cup kept Brian Waddle off air for long periods.AIR could also make for more engaging commentary by providing their commentary box with a Television monitor.
However sometime after that morning better sense prevailed and AIR Hyderabad did broadcast live from the ground with a more enthusiastic bunch of commentators.This was thoughtful as the provincial ITM Cup kept Brian Waddle off air for long periods.AIR could also make for more engaging commentary by providing their commentary box with a Television monitor.